Patron saint's festival and FreePBX

Patron saint’s festival offices are closed …

on the occasion of the patron saint’s festival and other similar festivities comes the need to:

-record to an extension a phrase to be included in the messaging

-so set the PBX to enable response to the call the recorded message

everything should be possible by one of the telephones of the PBX

I looked in the forum I found similar topics but not this issue which I think is very common

On closed days use “Call Flow Control” to change how calls are handled. Use the Call Flow Control feature code to toggle on/off manually. Use “Announcement” to create a recording to play to callers. Use the Announcement feature code to record a new announcement as required.

ok I understand

I just have a problem …

The call flow control goes to annuncment going to System recordings …

but how can I record the message from an extension?

In the system recording for the Announcement, check the option to ‘Link to Feature Code’, then dialing the feature code will allow you to re-record.

Really fantastic
It works just like I wanted it
I also added the functionality of a button BLF
Better than that you can not …
Thank you

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