Parameters not found : Could not move message to old ( 10011)

Hi guys,

Using FreePBX
with Digium Addons

A user has been reporting being unable to delete a voicemail.

The error message that is shown on his D50 display is:
Parameters not found : Could not move message to old ( 10011)

Any idea what’s up with that?

Check your old mailbox - it’s probably full, preventing the move of another read message to it.

What do you mean by “old” mailbox?

Anyhow, the user only has 2 messages total in his mailbox :frowning:

find /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail -type f | sed ‘s%/[^/]*$%%’ | sort | uniq -c|sort -n

anything count >= 198 in the first column will by default be a problem, because max-messages = 100 , files, one for msg*.txt one for msg*.wav. Old messages are conveniently stored in the “Old” directory.