Paging Pro Scheduler not playing


We purchased the paging pro module with the intentions of using this to replace our old bell system. We can not seem to get the scheduler to work. Have been playing on and off for the last few weeks. I have checked the cron job logs and no indication of anything there. We are running version 12.7.6-1904-1


if purchased please open a commercial module support ticket

its free with active commercial modules

anyway you could run :

[root@cditc ~]# fwconsole job --list
| ID | Module           | Job           | Cron         | Next Run            | Action                                                                                                                                 | Enabled |
| 11 | pagingpro        | scheduler     | * * * * *    | 2019-10-14 23:14:00 | Class: FreePBX\modules\Pagingpro\Job                                                                                                   | Yes     |

you should see something like that first line

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