I have an Algo Page Horn, although the brand doesn’t make any difference. I added a chan_pjsip extension 8003 for the horn to register. A User was also created. The horn will register with FPBX. I created a Page Group 8050 and added the 8003 horn. I added a BLF ‘Page’ 8050 button to my phones. When I press the phone’s ‘Page’ button, then voice comes out of the horn. At this point I am satisfied that my paging system is working. Now for my questions.
Do I need the User that was created when the extension was added and if needed, why?
I understand that chan_pjsip has a place to enter the ‘secret’ password to allow the endpoint to register, but I’m just enough confused to ask, should I have created a different type of extension like virtual or custom?
Thank you,