P370 - No Background Image and No BLF Keys

Thanks for this more detailed information! I just found out the P330 idle logo image is the small logo/image between the Line Key/BLF…

I was hoping I could change the entire wallpaper like the P370 with the logo in the center but you just confirmed that is not an option at this time and is why Im seeing the logo in the center only.

Any plans to allow the wallpaper change on the P330 at some point?

It’s not off the table, it’s just sitting behind a lot of other items on the priority list at present.

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Makes sense. Thx

Looks great, but can you add BLF keys on the main page…?

As of now, thats on the favorites screen

On the P370, the favorites screen can be kept up indefinitely, effectively allowing BLFs to be displayed on the home screen.

That does not work in picky business environments.
Boss wants to have the “main” page display the logo, and BLF on each side.
Bless wants the phone to come back to MAIN screen by itself.
Boss wants missed calls and VM notification on the same page as BLF.
I dont know about your boss, but all the companies we deal with have bosses like that. Finance. Healthcare…

I have to agree w/ Simon here. I also don’t care for the vaporwave feeling theme.

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