OSS Endpoint Manager and Freepbx 15

Has anyone gotten the the OSS EPM(v to work with freepbx 15? When I install the module it fails:

Updating tables endpointman_brand_list, endpointman_custom_configs, endpointman_global_vars, endpointman_line_list, endpointman_mac_list, endpointman_model_list, endpointman_oui_list, endpointman_product_list, endpointman_template_list, endpointman_custom_configs…Done

In Config.class.php line 50:

Illegal string offset ‘disable_epm’

moduleadmin [-f|–force] [-d|–debug] [–edge] [–stable] [–color] [–skipchown] [-e|–autoenable] [–skipdisabled] [–snapshot SNAPSHOT] [–format FORMAT] [-R|–repo REPO] [-t|–tag TAG] [–skipbreakingcheck] [–sendemail] [–onlystdout] [–] []…

I am not on a platform I can use commercial modules on, I can work w/out it but it would be nice.

I did notice that the link to the get help for this module here in the module admin was a dead link.

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