op_server.pl error

Here is the op_server.pl lines 9638-9650, I’m getting these three errors when I make a internal phone call between extensions.


Here is the code from op_server.pl

9638 sub encode_base64 {
9639 my $res = “”;
9640 my $eol = “\n”;
9641 pos( $[0] ) = 0;
9642 while ( $
[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs ) {
9643 $res .= substr( pack( “u”, $1 ), 1 );
9644 chop($res);
9645 }
9646 $res =~ tr|-_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; #
9647 my $padding = ( 3 - length( $_[0] ) % 3 ) % 3;
9648 $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/"=" x $padding/e if $padding;
9650 return $res;

Can someone make sense of this for me?