Yet another year has flown by and the annual event of all things Asterisk is upon us.
Once again I have the distinct pleasure of joining the FreePBX team to have the opportunity to share about our great project.
It’s been a busy year, 2.11 development in full force and four versions of the Distro project.
One of the new items is Tony Lewis’s “Wall of phones”. In the FreePBX booth will be working examples of every commercially available (and some discontinued) endpoints form Aastra, Cisco, Panasonic, Yealink, SNOM, Mitel and a host of others. All of these phones are powered up and talking to a live FreePBX system. This is a great opportunity to see all of these endpoints in one place.
We also have the largest team assembled. Venerable leader and software engineer Philippe Lindheimer will be heading up the group along with Tony Lewis, President of Schmooze communication, Bryan Walters (gamergamer) Developer Schmnooze Communications, Andrew Nage developer of the FreePBX endpoint manager module and fame and lastly myself Scott Holtzman (SkykingOH) CTO of Micro Advantage.
Please stop by and say hello. Be sure and attend Philippe’s “State of FreePBX” presentation.
Look to the site for updates from the show and other attendees blogs.
Update from the road. The team is tired, the jokes are stale, Tony just set the brakes on fire descending out of the Smokies with the trailer. Bryan and Luke have been digesting their meal in a most ungraceful manner and we are almost out of Red Bull and Marlboro’s. While back at Our NW development center fearless leader (Philippe) is resting comfortably and preparing for his First Class flight to Atlanta. What we won’t do for the project.
We would have taken FreePBX One to Atlanta but we could not get the booth tied to the landing gear.