Odd issue with intercom calls

Latest FreePBX 16 with Sangoma P330 phones with latest 4_18_1 firmware.

FreePBX issue we are seeing recently seems to be related to “Internal Auto Answer” being enabled for an extension in Application/Extensions/Advanced. If you intercom-call an extension that has that enabled and the callee ends the call the your extension stays off-hook with a dead call.
For example, let’s say extension 39 is setup with “Internal Auto Answer=Intercom”.

  • Extension 31 intercom-calls extension 39
  • Extension 39 goes off hook automatically (as expected) and the call starts
  • Extension 39 ends the call
  • Extension 31 still shows the call in progress on the LCD even though its a dead line.

Extension 31 should automatically end the call if the other party leaves (shouldn’t it?), fairly sure it worked this way in the past. Not sure when the issue began, my phones were using firmware 4_15_4 but upgrading them did not fix it. Not sure if this is a FreePBX or phone issue though.
I had a look at the asterisk logs and they show 39 leaving:
“bridge_channel.c: Channel Local/PAGE39@app-paging-00000464;2 left ‘simple_bridge’ basic-bridge”

I don’t see anything for extension 31 leaving until the user manually ends the call at their end. Note if “Internal Auto Answer=Disabled” for the called phone the issue does not occur.

Not sure if this is a phone firmware issue or not so I thought I’d post it here for comments.

It’s a phone issue, as ending the call on a SIP phone cannot be countermanded by the other party.

Thanks - that is what I thought, a phone issue.

Unfortunately I have never had much luck opening a support case for the P series phones even though they are supposed to be supported, they never even had a category for them on the old support portal and I kept getting errors (it was very frustrating). Not sure the new portal is working or where to go now for P330 support - anyone know.

I’ve never had any issues opening up a ticket for the P series phones. They are even listed by MAC and you can select which phone you are wanting to open a ticket about.

It’s at https://help.sangoma.com and then the Cases tab at the top.

Yeah it was something do with my Sangoma support account not activating, could never get it working.

Perhaps the new system will work better…nope, now I get:
Review Needed
Your new sangoma.com user registration has been flagged for review.

Maybe @lgaetz can assist with this part.

Looked at it further and it does not appear to be a P330 or phone firmware issue as it happens if I use only our old PolyCom meeting room phone and my older Aastra phones as well. If we intercom any extension that has “Internal Auto Answer=Intercom” enabled, talk, and then hang up at that extension the initiating caller does not hang up. Doesn’t matter which phones we use. It definitely did not do this before, something has changed in FreePBX with the handling of that “Internal Auto Answer=Intercom” setting.

As this issue started recently I may try and revert some recent module updates but not sure which module(s) could be involved. Here is what has been updated recently:
[2024-02-08 16:53:54]: Module: backup Updated to version 16.0.69
[2024-02-08 16:53:55]: Module: cdr Updated to version
[2024-02-08 16:53:57]: Module: contactmanager Updated to version 16.0.25
[2024-02-08 16:55:02]: Module: endpoint Updated to version
[2024-02-08 16:55:04]: Module: extensionroutes Updated to version 16.0.8
[2024-02-08 16:55:06]: Module: filestore Updated to version 16.0.18
[2024-02-08 16:55:08]: Module: ivr Updated to version 16.0.9
[2024-02-08 16:55:09]: Module: manager Updated to version 16.0.21
[2024-02-08 16:55:11]: Module: queues Updated to version 16.0.27
[2024-02-08 16:55:13]: Module: queuestats Updated to version 16.0.28
[2024-02-08 16:55:15]: Module: recording_report Updated to version 16.0.33
[2024-02-08 16:55:20]: Module: restapps Updated to version
[2024-02-08 16:56:42]: Module: sangomaconnect Updated to version 16.0.45
[2024-02-08 16:56:44]: Module: sipsettings Updated to version 16.0.27
[2024-02-08 16:56:45]: Module: sipstation Updated to version 16.0.27
[2024-02-08 16:56:46]: Module: sms Updated to version 16.0.25
[2024-02-08 16:56:48]: Module: superfecta Updated to version 16.0.29
[2024-02-08 16:57:20]: Module: sysadmin Updated to version
[2024-02-08 16:57:21]: Module: vmblast Updated to version 16.0.11
[2024-02-08 16:57:23]: Module: voicemail Updated to version 16.0.52
[2024-02-08 17:01:34]: Module: sangomartapi Updated to version

Anyone have an idea of which I could try to revert?

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