Nortel/Avaya 1120e phone configuration

We acquired 13 Nortel phones to use for an internal phone system. We are treading through some difficult configuration challenges, mainly because of lack of documentation for the correct setup. Does anyone have a good setup procedure for configuring these phones and the server to get these things operational. We’ve flashed the phones with the 3.5 SIP firmware. WE know the pbx works because we are able to get xlite to talk between two different computers.
I’ve found this site:

…and this one:

Thanks for the help.

Not familiar with that particular phone model, but it looks like you have everything you need from those two sites. What type problems are you having?

I’m just looking for someone has setup these phones. They were recommended as being compatible so we went with them, but it almost appears that we are missing something in the configuration. The switch and the phones are on the open internet to avoid having to hurdle firewalls.

That's great, did you take the time to secure the box?

You still didn't answer the question, what isn't working?  Are the phones registering?  Not negotiating CODEC?  Dialing issues?  

We had budget cuts and had to let the physic go.

That’s great, did you take the time to secure the box?

You still didn’t answer the question, what isn’t working? Are the phones registering? Not negotiating CODEC? Dialing issues?

We had budget cuts and had to let the physic go.