No GUI after SSL Install

I can no longer access the GUI after installing an SSL certificate. Can someone tell me how to remove the SSL cert with the SSH interface.

Thanks ahead of time,
Lorn H Olsen

I have reinstalled FreePBX14 & Asterisk 14, 5 times. Whenever the valid cert is installed the GUI can not be used. This cert is installed on 3 other servers w/FreePBX 13 and they all work just fine.

How about some help.


I have confirmed this issue and have duplicated this problem using a wildcard certificate. To further clarify, after the certificate has been added, then installed in the https setup, the server shows the proper Apache Config: Apache Configured, the correct Certificate Name and Issuer info, however the ‘freepbx.sangoma.local’ is what shows in a remote browser. After a server reboot, we can no longer access the server locally or remote using either http or https.

Port 443 is open on my other 3 servers. Why is it closed on How can I just open port 443?

fyi i opened this ticket a while ago, i think it is what you are experiencing


It appears that we have the same problem.

I’ll follow your ticket.


Has anyone tested the Edge track of this module and can confirm this has been fixed?