
Hi i downloaded the freepbx freepbx-2.5.1 and installed it when configuring the system i encounter some problem.

when i click on Features Code I get this error:
SELECT custom_exten, description FROM custom_extensions WHERE custom_exten in (’*72’,’*73’,’*74’,’*90’,’*91’,’*92’,’*52’,’*53’,’*70’,’*71’,’*8’,‘555’,‘666’,’’,‘7777’,’*12’,’*11’,‘888’,’*35’,’*34’,’*78’,’*79’,’*76’,’*21’,‘411’,’*98’,’*97’) [nativecode=1146 ** Table ‘asterisk.custom_extensions’ doesn’t exist]SQL -
SELECT custom_exten, description FROM custom_extensions WHERE custom_exten in (’*72’,’*73’,’*74’,’*90’,’*91’,’*92’,’*52’,’*53’,’*70’,’*71’,’*8’,‘555’,‘666’,’

When i Click on Incoming Route:
Add Incoming Route
DB Error: no such table

Error selecting from custom_destinations

Add Announcement:
DB Error: no such table

Error selecting from custom_destinations

and so on for many options where custom_destinations is called is giving same error!

checked the SQL newinstall.sql is missing these table creation:
[root@pbx SQL]# ls
cdr_mysql_table.sql newinstall.sql newinstall.sqlite3.sql
[root@pbx SQL]# cat newinstall.sql |grep custom_destinations
[root@pbx SQL]# cat newinstall.sql |grep custom_extensions
[root@pbx SQL]# cat newinstall.sql |grep -i custom
customcode varchar(20) default NULL,
[root@pbx SQL]#

I downloaded the freepbx today:
[root@pbx src]# ls -lah freepbx-2.5.1.tar.gz
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 5.6M Dec 20 09:47 freepbx-2.5.1.tar.gz

can anyone help me with proper sql file or missing tables parameters it would be great.
