Has anyone been able to implement something like this or another brand?
into FreePBX? We are using FreePBX with FOP2 and we’d like something like that light to sync with our extensions status (DND or on-phone, light up red)
I noticed that, but when looking into it further, you have to use some god awful looking realtime dashboard system for it to work with Asterisk, and we already use FOP2
You can program the Busylight to work for anything you can write. Doesn’t have to be their dashboard.
Internally we have this device working with Zulu
Very interesting, I’ll try to figure out how to get it to work with a web based dashboard. Thanks guys.
I’m looking for the same thing, but I don’t know FreePBX well at all, were you able to get it working with the BusyLight? I want a solution that will show red with a phone call and/or Teams meeting. This looks to be it, but I’m worried about getting the BLF signal from FreePBX to the BusyLight.
Welcome to the community! Some links to past discussions to get you started.
Headmaster's Busy/Free light
Fun with AMI (node-red)
Open Source Pro Tips #9 - Connecting to & Controlling FreePBX with Node-RED: Part 1
Hey guys, i’m using Microsip software as a phone and a yealink headset WH62, 63, 66 which is compatible with a busylight. The busylight is wired to the headset with a jack and its magnetize to the top corner of my screen. Freepbx is my cloud server.
It works like a charm !
Kind regards
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