Need a freelancer to help us with epbx setup and troubleshooting

Please reach out to me on reetuksm(at)gmail(dot)com

Hi @ToBeGeeky, welcome to the forum. Your post has been moved to the jobs category.

I would expect that you’ll get better responses if you provide a scope of work and more details beyond just an email address.

@lgaetz Thanks a lot.

To brief about the current setup, we have calling minutes through Inphonex. We have a cloud epbx hosted on freeebpx, which is working currently. But the consultant who was helping us is not available anymore.

We are not looking for a full time employee. But we want someone to help us manage the current setup and trouble shoot when necessary. I am sorry if the details are not technical enough, but I am not from IT background. I am using this for my BPO.

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