Multiple Outgoing Phone Numbers

Put the caller ID match pattern here:


and make sure that the US route has priority over the UK route.

Would this be correct?

I get an error on 12000 when trying to dial outbound now.

I would have provided a match pattern as well, but I’m not sure how FreePBX handles this case.

I assume that numbers have been canonicalised to E.164 without the plus format, and your intention is that all extensions dialling a US number would end up on the US line.

(In what I assume is the underlying Asterisk implementation of this, the caller ID match clause is optional, but an empty destination would only match an empty number.)


Yeah the match pattern below the top one handles the case where all US numbers are called through that route. I just want to have the ability for an extension starting with 12 to also go out through this route.

You’re correct about how the numbers are formatted though. It is E. 164 without the plus.

Would a wildcard match pattern catch this do you think? Do you have any ideas of what I should put into the match pattern link so that all extensions which are 12XXX all go though that route?

I’d expect “.” to work, although “X.” is generally safer.

(Looking at core/ at master · FreePBX/core · GitHub FreePBX doesn’t do anything clever with a blank match pattern, so will require an explicit one. In fact it will turn it into a pattern match for a blank string, which would defeat anything clever that Asterisk might do.)


Gottya, thanks. This is what I have now:

Though it looks to not work, here’s the log:

its on normal pastebin as the freepbx pastebin looks to be down.

Cause code 21 is call rejected. I suspect the provider is unhappy with the caller ID being 1200, and wants it to be the phone number of the “line” that they provide to you. That is where Route CID comes in. However, it could be for various other policy reasons, or authentication problems.

You are sending them a UK mobile phone number in E.164 format, without the plus, i.e. in ISDN type of number = international format.


Great thanks. I’ll contact them and update here shortly.

Hi all.
Thanks for your help! It looks like the trunk provider was blocking the calls so that’s all been sorted now and it works well.

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