I have callers that are english speaking and some that are spanish speaking. I have an IVR that directs spanish speaking to press 1, but if they get to the voicemail busy/unavailable message it will be in english. If I record the greetings in spanish then when the english speaking customers get to the voicemail it is in spanish.
Can I setup the voicemail greetings to have a spanish and english version? Similar to how I can do system recordings in both spanish and english?
I will have to look into voicemail VmX more. I don’t know much about that.
I don’t think virtual extensions would work because that would create 2 different voicemail boxes. My phone won’t show the indicator light for both of those. Unless I am confusing what you mean.
Currently I am testing out using a Dynamic Route that checks for the language and I send the phone to that. If english they go to the standard voicemail, if spanish they go to a spanish announcement and then to voicemail without instructions. It seems to be working but seems hacky and overly complicated for something that should be pretty simple.