More outages

Just a quick heads up - the hosting company that USED to host has been down for a couple of days due to Level3 cutting them off. They’re in the process of organising new data pipes, but for the moment this means that Aussie Voip and a couple of other sites are down temporarily. You can keep up with what’s going on at their web site. I’m still away from the office, so I can’t really do terribly much. It seems that everything will be up at the end of the week, so fingers crossed.
Edit: Well, I’m back. And they’re going to be down until the end of THIS week, apparently. There’s more discussion at WebHostingTalk about the outage and what they’re doing. Note that I haven’t got a refund yet, but I’ll be harassing them about it today. I’ve also posted a comment about moving to different wiki software that allows, or at least eases the pain of, clustering, which will alleviate potential future issues. I’m not dead set on Media Wiki - which is what wikipedia uses - and I’m open to suggestions. There’s a reasonably comprehensive WikiPedia page on various wiki software, and an interesting WikiMatrix site. Please feel free to leave any suggestions and comments!