I have recently purchased a Mitel 6940 phone and converted it to the SIP firmware. I have entered the SIP server settings as I would on any other phone and it still won’t register. Has anyone successfully registered a Mitel 6900 series phone without the endpoint manager?
Forget using End Point Manager (even the paid version) for this type of setup (at least) initially …
Try to register the Mitetl IP phone using SIP/UDP/5060
Use the GUI of the Mitel, or if the only way is a .CFG file pushed to the phone (try that)
Once you have a working SIP UDP 5060 style endpoint to a FreePBX box: then circle-back and try that “fancy stuff” like End Point Manager
For best results: use the Asterisk CLI (asterisk -r) while trying to register your Mitel phone to a FreePBX solution (watch the traffic arrive)
sngrep from the CLI of an Asterisk box works wonders as well.
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