Mistakes after upgrade

Hello. We upgrade FreePBX 12 to new version. And we have some mistakes. What does it mean?

Symlink from modules failed
retrieve_conf failed to sym link:
/var/lib/asterisk/bin/storage.php from sysadmin/bin (Already exists, not a link)
This can result in FATAL failures to your PBX. If the target file exists and not identical, the symlink will not occur and you should rename the target file to allow the automatic sym link to occur and remove this error, unless this is an intentional customization.

The system detected a problem trying to access external server data and changed internal setting MODULEADMINWGET (Use wget For Module Admin) to true, see the tooltip in Advanced Settings for more details.

Rather than create a new thread I will just tack on that I too am getting this first error…
But … Some info first ( always helpful for troubleshooting )
I am using a fresh installation of FreePBX Distro with all module and script updates up to date.
Version is 6.12.65-22

Everything seems to work fine but in the system report I am getting the below:

Symlink from modules failed
retrieve_conf failed to sym link:
/var/lib/asterisk/bin/storage.php from sysadmin/bin (Already exists, not a link)
This can result in FATAL failures to your PBX. If the target file exists and not identical, the symlink will not occur and you should rename the target file to allow the automatic sym link to occur and remove this error, unless this is an intentional customization.

Is this something I need to worry about? What further info can I provide to get to the bottom of this?
Thanks in advance.