Miised calls notifications on Freepbx 16 is not attaching the email address

hello @kgupta ,

the missed calls notification on Freepbx 16 is not attaching the email address from the users table ("missedcallnotify.php,0,,0,0,,SIP/900-00000046,,,,TRUE").

I saw that you fixed that on version 17.0.2.

Can you do that in Freepbx 16 as well?

Thank you,

Daniel Friedman
Trixton LTD.

Hey @danielf

Do you mean below commit ? This was for fixing v17 dialplan issue.

hi @kgupta ,

thank you for your prompt reply.
yes, this is the fix.

All my FreePBX 16 servers stopped sending emails on missed calls.
where is the part that sends the email from the users table?

I can see the hangup handler is working, but I cannot see the email being sent.

Thank you,

Daniel Friedman
Trixton LTD.

Hi @danielf

That fix was for dialplan for v17 specific and v16 i think it was working fine.

anyway I have asked QA team to try the same on v16 and if not working then will try to backport the fix to v16.


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