Messaging Changes - Toll Free Update

As @tonyclewis has mentioned in other threads there are pending changes for domestic 10DLC coming down the road. It also seems that Toll Free numbers will see an impact first. Toll Free messaging is, overall, 10DLC but before 10DLC was a thing.

Starting April 1st, any restricted (non-registered) and pending (registration approval pending) will see a dramatic impact to their traffic limits. For example, restricted could still send up to 2,000 messages daily, 12,000 weekly and 25,000 monthly. With the new changes it will be 500/1,000/2,000. So what used to be a daily limit is now the monthly limit. Pending is going from having no daily or weekly limits with 500K monthly limit to limits on both daily and weekly with monthly being dropped to 10,000.

It should also be noted that between now and April 1st there will be a new deadline given for registration and if the TF number isn’t registered, messaging will be blocked.

While this probably won’t impact the majority of users here as I’m sure most messaging is done with domestic numbers. The key thing here is that TF messaging has always had more requirements and limits than domestic, as I said it was basically 10DLC before 10DLC. So if they are clamping down even more on something that was already pretty restrictive then I would advise taking a serious look at 10DLC, how your providers are dealing with it and how upcoming changes could impact your messaging services. Especially if SMS/MMS is a vital feature requirement.

I strongly advise that everyone to err on the side of caution and dot your I’s and cross your T’s. This will be one of those things where you find one day your messages are being blocked by the major networks and it will take no less than 15 days (unless they have an expedite fee) for registration to happen and even more time to get things squared away with providers.

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