Make outgoing calls by eliminating two-step dialing

The free version is fine. Although you posted lots of settings, some of the relevant ones are missing, so I’ll start with a few things to check. If you still have trouble, at the Asterisk command prompt, type
pjsip set logger on
make a failing outgoing call (using a working extension other than the HT FXS port), paste the Asterisk log for the call at and post the link here. Also post what you hear.

  1. On the FXO page, Stage Method should be 1
  2. Set Dial Plan to { [*x]+ }
  3. Set DTMF Digit Length and DTMF Dial Pause to 100
  4. Set Wait for Dial Tone to No.
  5. Set Min Delay Before Dial PSTN Number to 1000

These are conservative settings. Once you get it working you can try lower numbers to speed up dialing.