Lots of Endpoint Manager Issues

I’ve had a lot of problems with Endpoint Manager and am wondering if I am doing something wrong.

I originally was using Cisco CP-7942g phones with SIp firmware, but realized that is a massive headache. So I grabbed some Aastra 53i, a Cisco SPA525g, and a Cisco SPA504g to test with.

The Aastra sets up like a champ. If I have to I can tell the client they have to use Aastra, but they want Cisco.

I created a config template for them and specified the firmware for slot 1, I used the built in 1.01.

The 504g gets stuck at Downloading XMLDefault.cnf.xml.

The 535g boots, but doesn’t register. In line status for provisioning it says it is looking in "\Cisco\SPA525g\SEPMAC.cnf

It looks like Endpoint manager created a config file for the 525g in the tftpboot directory, with extension xml, not cfg. There is no SPA525g folder under Cisco, only the firmware slot options.

Basically I haven’t been able to get any Cisco phones to work.

Side note if I run a network scan it never finds anything.

Any suggestions? Is the OSS endpoint manager better?

Sounds like you have not told the phone to use the .xml prefix. This is all controlled in the phone when you tell it where the config server is located. See http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/FCM/Supported+Devices-Cisco