Looking to hire freelancer for some bug checking on short term project basis

Looking to hire freelancer for some bug checking on short term project basis.
I had someone help me install freepbx on a server (currently contabo). My DID numbers are from a company called DIDforsale.
I am having issues on about 50% of the calls (hard to estimate). When a call goes through successfully, a user is able to call the DID and reach the auto-attendant. When it fails, a user calls the DID and the call is immediately disconnected.
I have reached out to DIDforsale to see what happens when a user is calling the DID–is it failing at DIDforsale or is it failing after being sent to the freepbx server. According to DIDforsale, when it fails, the freepbx server is throwing a 401 unauthorized error, and that is why disconnecting.
Is someone willing to help on a project or hourly basis to troubleshoot?

Assuming a pjsip trunk, set Match (Permit) to the list of IP addresses from which DIDForSale can send calls. See

I would try,

Very interesting–FAQ actually says half of calls are failing.
I will see if we’ve added all of the IP’s.

You need to trace those other calls with wireshark or voipmonitor and it should help you with your answer.

Thank you!

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