Login to UCP and Admin control panel Failures

I am having an issue with logging to the console both the user and admin. This does not happen all the time, but it seems to happen when login by more users or when I log on and off several times in a row.

I have checked all the logs and am finding nothing for errors in firewall failban security or ucp in out logs in reference to the failed login.

When it happens using UCP there is in error on screen in browser (There was an error. See the console log for more details.)

When it happens when logging into the admin console the error comes up (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR).

I have tried (service httpd restart)

We login using local ip addresses not sure if that would have anything to do with.

System Information

This is installed on a windows hyper-v

PBX Version:

PBX Distro:


Asterisk Version:


Any help greatly appreciated.

I have seem to have resolved the issue here is what I did for others that may have the same issue.
We are using freepbx on a local network only and were using the IP address to login, I changed the domain in the admin setup to our local network freepbx.fmic.local now the users login using http://freepbx.fmic.local/ucp/ and so far no issues.