Logging In to the new Forum

#Welcome to the New community forums

We have migrated the forums to a new platform. If you have an account on the old forums, that account and its posts still exist.

New Users please scroll to the bottom of this post

To finalize your account move you need to log in.

Click the blue “Sign In” on the top right.

In the overlay click "Login using FreePBX Make sure pop up blockers are disabled!

In the window enter your FreePBX Username and Password then click connect

What is crowd? All services on FreePBX.org use the crowd back end. This allows users to use a single sign on for forums, bug reports, etc.

#New Users

To create an account go to: http://www.freepbx.org/user/register

Complete the form on that page. Once you create an account you may come back and follow the steps above.

##Lost/Forgotten Password?
You may request a new one at: http://www.freepbx.org/user/password