Link voicemail email address

Is there a way to link voicemail email address (Applications -> Extensions -> Voicemail) in User Management?

I’m manage user with Active Directory, once enter the value for Extension Link Attribute, user “primary linked extension” will be linked automatic.
I would like to link user’s email address for voicemail, whether freePBX have this feature similar like linking extension?

I do not know what you mean by linking. Do you mean send out 2 emails at once?

No adtopkek, I have uploaded a photo to make my question clear:

If able to automatic link up like User Management → Directories → “your AD” → Extension Link Attribute will be better.

Maybe I should tell the reason behind, my company going to execute a policy that staff have to answer the call within 3 ringings, or same staff in the department have to assist each other to answer the call.
I personally not really agreed with this policy, if the voicemail can link to active directory email address, I will tell my management missed a call may not be an issue, a voicemail notification will be sent to the extension owner.

Basically any changes in User Management should push to the extension that it is linked to. Settings like email address in User Management should be placed in the voicemail tab’s Email Address.

I’d suggest adding a feature request for freepbx.

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