I’m having trouble using the LDAP lookup functionality on Sangoma phones (tried the s300 and the s500) and I’m unsure if I’m seeing a bug or if I’m configuring/using it the wrong way.
###What I am trying to do:
Have the phone look up and call numbers drawn from an LDAP directory.
###What happens:
I press the Soft Key that I configured for “LDAP” and the phone asks me for a “Filter Prefix”. I enter my search string (tried exact and partial matches of the LDAP attributes in the query string), and nothing happens. When I press “Dial” or the “Ok” button nothing happens either.
###What I expected to happen:
The phone displays some sort of search results and offers to view/call the contacts.
###Diagnostic and Config Info:
The phone is configured to contact our LDAP server and conduct a fairly standard search: (&(mobile=*)(sn=%))
for the name filter and (&(mobile=%)(sn=*))
for the number filter.
The phone’s syslog confirms that the query works in principle - it finds all the entries that the search string is expected to find:
[09-28 11:32:06 50:25:01] GUI: dn: cn=(CN1) [09-28 11:32:06 50:25:01] GUI: dn: cn=(CN2) ...
When entering the Filter Prefix on the phone, the syslog shows the use of the number keys:
[09-28 11:32:09 50:25:01] HANDFREE mode [09-28 11:32:09 50:25:01] BSP: OpenSpeaker SpkVolume 8 MicVolum 8 [09-28 11:32:09 50:25:01] Dial Number-4, Duration 90 [09-28 11:32:09 50:25:01] HANDFREE mode [09-28 11:32:09 50:25:01] BSP: OpenSpeaker SpkVolume 8 MicVolum 8 [09-28 11:32:10 50:25:01] Dial Number-5, Duration 50 ...
Pressing “Dial” and then “Ok” produces:
[09-28 11:32:21 50:25:01] Dial SOFTKEY4 [09-28 11:32:21 50:25:01] Chn 0 rev unprocess event 0x19d in L2_IDLE! [09-28 11:32:21 50:25:01] GUI:DEBUGINFO:SoftKeyDialHandler Item is NULL,File:./src/callwin.c------Line:270 [09-28 11:32:24 50:25:01] Dial OK [09-28 11:32:24 50:25:01] Chn 0 rev unprocess event 0x11d in L2_IDLE! [09-28 11:32:24 50:25:01] GUI:DEBUGINFO:SoftKeyDialHandler Item is NULL,File:./src/callwin.c------Line:270 [09-28 11:32:27 50:25:01] Dial OK
Is this possibly a bug? Am I using the phone incorrectly?
Judging from the Log (and network traffic), the LDAP App on the phone does one LDAP query when it is loaded and then (locally) filters the results at a later time, since it doesn’t query the server afterwards.
The phone is connected to a FreePBX and provisioned via the Endpoint Manager, if that makes a difference. It works fine in any other regard.
Any insight on this is greatly appreciated!
PS: The Firmware running on the phone is the latest version to date: