Hello All,
I am grateful to see an Education Category and hope to be able to contribute and assist at times here.
I am curious to see what others in the K12 space are doing to meet/maintain/audit Ray Baum’s Compliance.
I am aware of Clearly IPs E911 solutions, and if by the wave of a wand I could utilize many of the services and products they offer I would.
That being said I am currently using a DID based solution as we currently have a lot for most of our districts. In efforts to maintain, essentially I made a spreadsheet with all the extensions as well as the respective Emergency DID and E911 information that was last uploaded.
I wrote a pretty simple macro for asterisk that essentially is to be used by the end user. The Macro is then tied to a Misc App which I am calling “S-O-S test” via dialing 767. Upon dialing it the user is routed through a specific trunk and also dials 933(Common SIP Carrier e911 location test) after the location announcement is terminated by carrier, I then pull the call into an internal survey which asks the caller if the location was correct or not. The answer is given via the phone’s dial pad. 1=Correct 2=Incorrect. From there I have the users answer emailed to a dedicated email for pbx services. The inbox is then scraped using GAM. GAM is programmed to take the latest result code and update the spreadsheet mentioned earlier. I also built in aging into one of the columns representing days since last test. From there how different districts choose to maintain the records varies.
If there is interest, I am happy to share the specifics as to what I am doing to make this work within Asterisk and FreePBX.
I am also open to any feedback or ideas for improvement.