IVR doesn't save options

With help of this forum i found and installed the IVR module using the videotutorial from http://asterisktutorials.com/videos/trixbox/intro.html

I can add a system recording and add that to IVR Digital receptionist. But when i save the IVR the options i add like ‘number 1 goto extension 123’ doesn’t save.

I’ve add an inbound route that tranfers all calls to the IVR i’ve created before.
When i simulate a incoming call i hear the announcement that i’ve entered at the IVR However if i push the number 1 it doesn’t senmd me tot the right extension but says ‘I am sorry that’s not a valid extension please try again’

Does anyone know how to solve this problem ? I’m stuck again … Thanks

I’ve quickly scanned the video and I’m not sure what steps you followed but the video is referencing a VERY old version of FreePBX that is out of date.

So how about you start with providing what distro or hand built system you have. Version of software you are using, etc.

If you happen to be using the latest version of trixbox 2.6.1 you’ll probably get better support on that site then here as they have customized FreePBX and not provided the changes they did to it to anybody here. So doing support for it almost impossible.

If you are using the 1.1 versionthat it was referencing I’d recommend that get a newer build and possibly a better distro like the one at www.pbxinaflash.net.

I know that I had seen similar issues when generating the IVR from the GUI on older pbxinaflash distributions. Updates resolved the issue.

i have the same issue but with the 2.9 FreePBX version over Debian 6. can you resolve the problem?
