iSymphony - warning to all (potential) users

If you are using iSymphony or if you want to do it, be aware that the company behind this tool might not support you. I contacted them using three different emails I had from previous contacts, and waited. After 2 weeks of waiting I decided to warn all potential users: the licences work fine, but do not expect technical support from the developer. New ticket system does not accept credentials that I used to login to the old one, there are no answers to emails. You are warned :slight_smile:
I’ve heard that I`m not the only one having these problems, even those with numerous licenses are being ignored (i have only 4 licenses), so… Good luck.

Great tool. Stay clam. sangoma is releasing a product to replace this…so I’ve heard

I’ve heard so too, but it’s a warning to all the people that would like to pay for iSymphony expecting support


In the meantime, check out fop2.

I have just checked and I’m impressed by the installation process :slight_smile: Well done

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