iSymphony invalid username and password

I have the server up and running fine. No matter what username and password I try to use it says “invalid username or password”. I have downloaded the log file from the server and it says

ERROR com.xmlnamespace.panel.server.core.authentication.CoreAuthenticationServiceProvider - Login failed: username does not exist: 101

I checked and that is the username and iSymphony is installed and setup properly.

Asterisk Version: 13.17.0
iSymphony V3 distro

Are you trying to log in as the Client or the Administrator? Clients are synced with User Management on a FreePBX Distro - so you would set/reset the password there.

Administrator login is the same as the admin login you set up for FreePBX.

I can log on to freepbx GUI no issue. Cannot get into admin or client

FreePBX Distro or scratch load?

You mean like dynamic route?