We’ve done several of these over the last couple months and in all cases the upgrade process resulted in:
SangomaConnect being partially broken: Adding, removing, reactivating users non-functional. The only solution we have found is to remove all users and the module entirely and start from scratch.
Backup jobs lose their destination.
Backup schedule appears intact but doesn’t run.
I know the push is on to do backup/restore to v17, but I’m sure others are proceeding with caution, like us, and for them these notes might be helpful.
I long ago gave up filing bug reports because they just turned into stupid, pointless efforts where I was told it wasn’t a bug and basically told to prove it or shut up. I post here so others know. If you want to fix it knock yourself out. But you should fix the two-years broken SangomaConnect license renewal system first. And yes, THAT is still broken. I had to call yesterday to get a renewal purchase fixed. If the wiki says it’s fixed, the wiki is wrong.