I’m new to freepbx but not new to PBXs.
Is it possible to make it work strictly from GUI or u still have to find someone who’s going to code a dualplan for me?
I’ve paid someone on my first freepbx to make it work and tried doing it myself on another and keep failing. I can’t figure out all those codings in dialplan and don’t understand why would someone go so far to create a gui and not have default dial plans for North America built into it.
I’m trying to setup a sip trunk with VoIP.ms and their help topics also suggest adding some code to [my context].
Do I need to learn coding to be able to use this product?
Could someone explain to me in plain English what I’m getting myself into
Dis you read the wiki yet?
(link at the top of this page)
there is not much to read about freepbx17, most folders on wiki are " * There’s nothing in this folder yet."
I thought about starting with v16 but i cant seem to find an iso anywhere.
Am i better off starting with 3cx?
is sangoma planning on killing freepbx?
or they want everyone to buy their hardware?
The Wiki covers FreePBX, versions add/remove function incrementally but it is necessary homework if you want to take FreePBX seriously.
Are you trolling us?
Want to download an ISO, click Download.
16 is a previous version, so click Previous Versions.
17 wiki is also linked from freepbx.org: https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FP/pages/222101505/FreePBX+17
No trolling,
I truly missed it and also remember reading somewhere that iso is no longer available, I confused it with not being available for newer version.
Thnak you for sharing a link