Intermittent Call Cross-Connection Between Agents and Customers

I have a bit of a strange issue, and I’m not sure where to begin investigating.

The scenario is as follows:

Agent A is on a call with Customer A.
Agent B is on a call with Customer B.

Suddenly, for 10 seconds, Agent A talks to Customer B, and Agent B talks to Customer A. Then every thing goes to normal

Where should I start troubleshooting this issue ?

Below is the my network architecture

Untitled Diagram

You haven’t told us whether this is analogue, circuit switched digital, or VoIP, and what else, other than Asterisk, is in the circuit.

I’ve never heard of Asterisk doing this and I cannot think of any way in which it would happen for VoIP.

I added to the question

Are you running Bitrix24 integration on the FreePBX system?

yes i have

So is the app connecting directly to FreePBX or Bitrix’s platform that syncs back to FreePBX?

I have a FreePBX extension. Bitrix24 telephony will connect to this extension as a SIP.

So, I believe the answer is that the Bitrix24 platform is syncing back to FreePBX.

So it is basically:

Bitrix24 Softphone/Desk app → Bitrix24 Platform → FreePBX extension?

Because if the Bitrix24 platform is in between the PBX and the agents or the caller and the PBX then this cross channel issue could be happening in the Bitrix24 platform/app.

Yes True

The client app is default model in bitrx24 not a 3rd party plugin , what you suggest me to troubleshoot this issue