on a system with Asterisk 22 installed I get the following:
2024-09-09 15:27:14 - Error at line: 1130 exiting with code 255 (last command was: fwconsole reload >> $log)
2024-09-09 15:27:14 - Exiting script
the log says:
2024-09-09 15:27:12 - Reloading and restarting FreePBX 17
Reload Started
In Self_Helper.class.php line 214:
Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Cdr'A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma
install cdr 2) fwconsole ma enable cdr
root@FreePBX-17-Asterisk-22-CM-Patch:/usr/src/asterisk-22# fwconsole ma install cdr
Detected Missing Dependency of: framework 17.0.1
Found local Dependency of: framework
Installing Missing Dependency of: framework 17.0.1
Updating tables admin, ampusers, cronmanager, featurecodes, freepbx_log, freepbx_settings, globals, module_xml, modules, notifications, cron_jobs...Done
<error>Unsupported Version of 22 </error>
<error>Supported Asterisk versions: 18, 19, 20, 21</error>
Given that Asterisk 22 is supposed to be out in less than a month - and it looks pretty much the same as Asterisk 21 - is there a plan to change the “supported version check” in all of the FreePBX modules to include the number 22 sometime soon?
Just tellin!, no, asterisk 22 (has it even be released yet) and definitely not been fully tested by Sangoma. What’s the hurry, why do you need 22 now! now! now! there is not even a Changelog published, especially as macros and chan_sip disappear farther into the mist?
I don’t need it now. I need to know where it and FreePBX is headed. And rather than ask and get someone’s biased and likely incorrect opinion, it’s better to just download it and build it and see for myself. That’s kind of the point of having all of this code open source, after all.
That’s pretty funny considering that there’s been no changes at all in that regard at least with chan_sip, the differential patch that adds it back in still works and the developer who maintains that has not changed his statement that he will continue to keep it working, chan_sccp also still works with it.
Macros is a different story but I have to assume the people who depend on those are either recoding, or continuing to use the asterisk version selector command to ride out the older Asterisk versions until they get a round tuit, or possibly are just a few years away from retirement and stalling it out so after they retire they can turn to whatever former employer is still dependent on Asterisk macros and give them a big FU, your problem now, buddy.