Install FreePBX onto Linux Mint?

Hi, has anyone installed Freepbx onto Linux Mint? If so, can you please share the approach you use to install it?

Install Oracle Virtualbox in Linux Mint
download freePBX-iso file
create other-Linux-64bit-machine in Virtualbox (bridged network adapter, virtual harddisksize >30Gbyte, dynamic)
in Virtualbox create DVD-drive linked to freePBX-iso file
boot virtual machine (from freePBX DVD)
install freePBX
add freePBX VM to Linux Mint startup applications (screenshot…adjust ID)

Install noMachine on Linux Mint PC to access it from remote (needs port forwarding).

cat /etc/debian_version

cat /etc/issue

will help you choose which version of Debian’s recipe to follow in the wiki. All the debian recipes are kinda flavor neutral.

Thanks! I’ll give this a try and report back.

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