Innodb_file_per_table ON by default in 17

looks like this is standard in 17 :slight_smile:

not sure if it was a conscious design decision or not but its certainly a welcome change from my perspective …

in FreePBX 16 the option shows as OFF and SPACE is reported as 0 for all tables

FreePBX 17 reports the following:

root@fpbx17:~# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 41721
Server version: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1 Debian 12

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like 'innodb_file_per_table';
| Variable_name         | Value |
| innodb_file_per_table | ON    |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

| TABLE_NAME                                              | SPACE |
| `SYS_INDEXES`                                           |     0 |
| `SYS_COLUMNS`                                           |     0 |
| `SYS_FIELDS`                                            |     0 |
| `SYS_FOREIGN`                                           |     0 |
| `SYS_FOREIGN_COLS`                                      |     0 |
| `SYS_VIRTUAL`                                           |     0 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_basefiles`                         |    58 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_brand`                             |    60 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_buttons`                           |    61 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_customfw`                          |    63 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_extensions`                        |    66 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_images`                            |    72 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_models`                            |    73 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_prelog`                            |    75 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_timezones`                         |    78 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_xml`                               |    79 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX`                            |   100 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_Media`                      |   102 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime`                   |   103 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd`                |   104 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Backup`             |   105 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar`           |   106 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr`                |   107 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences`        |   108 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager`     |   109 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core`               |   110 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg`      |   111 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Fax`                |   112 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore`          |   113 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Hotelwakeup`        |   115 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging`             |   117 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports`      |   119 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman`            |   123 |
| `asterisk`.`music`                                      |   137 |
| `asterisk`.`outbound_route_email`                       |   139 |
| `asterisk`.`outbound_route_sequence`                    |   141 |
| `asterisk`.`pagingpro_scheduler_events`                 |   150 |
| `asterisk`.`pagingpro_scheduler_range`                  |   152 |
| `asterisk`.`qs_agentlog`                                |   161 |
| `asterisk`.`qs_agentstats`                              |   162 |
| `asterisk`.`qs_callstats`                               |   163 |
| `asterisk`.`qs_livestats`                               |   164 |
| `asterisk`.`qs_queuestats`                              |   165 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_agent_calls`                          |   170 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_calls`                                |   171 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_reports_scheduler`                    |   173 |
| `asterisk`.`recording_report`                           |   176 |
| `asterisk`.`soundlang_packages`                         |   185 |
| `asterisk`.`soundlang_prompts`                          |   186 |
| `asterisk`.`sysadmin_update_log`                        |   191 |
| `asterisk`.`timegroups_details`                         |   193 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_call_activity_users`                |   201 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_template_settings`                  |   206 |
| `asterisk`.`vmnotify_notifications`                     |   216 |
| `asteriskcdrdb`.`cdr`                                   |   226 |
| `asteriskcdrdb`.`queuelog`                              |   228 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_media`                                  |   234 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc`             |   237 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_user_backupcodes`                    |   251 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_email_templates`                     |   253 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_message_id_seq`                 |   262 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_rooms`                          |   268 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chats`                               |   272 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_blocklisted_messages`                   |   275 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_messages`                               |   278 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_qrule_detail`                        |   301 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_qpause_codes`                        |   306 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_cdr`                                 |   311 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdrpro`             |   313 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_email_templates`                     |   312 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_group_entries`               |    45 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_score_mes`                           |   308 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_report_scheduler`                    |   307 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_callback_log`                        |   304 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Queuestats`         |   284 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Queues`             |   283 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint`           |   277 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_deleted_messages`                       |   276 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_preferences`                    |   273 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_user_to_contact`                |   269 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_messages`                       |   266 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_message_errors`                 |   265 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_file_references`                |   263 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_id_seq`                         |   261 |
| `asterisk`.`chat_push_tokens`                           |   258 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_test_call_functionality`             |   250 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality`             |   249 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup`              |   238 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_webhooks`                               |   235 |
| `asterisk`.`certman_cas`                                |   229 |
| `asterisk`.`vmnotify_events`                            |   215 |
| `asterisk`.`vmblast_groups`                             |   213 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_groups`                             |   203 |
| `asterisk`.`ttsengines`                                 |   198 |
| `asterisk`.`timegroups_groups`                          |   194 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_reports`                              |   172 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_agent_actions`                        |   169 |
| `asterisk`.`pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions`             |   151 |
| `asterisk`.`paging_groups`                              |   147 |
| `asterisk`.`paging_core_routing`                        |   146 |
| `asterisk`.`outbound_route_trunks`                      |   142 |
| `asterisk`.`outbound_route_patterns`                    |   140 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_Sipsettings`                        |   126 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail`          |   124 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Printextensions`    |   118 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager`            |   116 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks`                      |   101 |
| `asterisk`.`webrtc_clients`                             |   236 |
| `asterisk`.`ucp_sessions`                               |   279 |
| `asterisk`.`ivr_entries`                                |    97 |
| `asterisk`.`ivr_details`                                |    96 |
| `asterisk`.`indications_zonelist`                       |    95 |
| `asterisk`.`incoming`                                   |    94 |
| `asterisk`.`hotelwakeup_calls`                          |    91 |
| `asterisk`.`freepbx_log`                                |    88 |
| `asterisk`.`featurecodes`                               |    86 |
| `asterisk`.`faxpro_hook_core`                           |    85 |
| `asterisk`.`fax_users`                                  |    84 |
| `asterisk`.`fax_store`                                  |    83 |
| `asterisk`.`fax_incoming`                               |    82 |
| `asterisk`.`fax_details`                                |    81 |
| `asterisk`.`extensionroutes`                            |    80 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_templates`                         |    77 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_ringtones`                         |    76 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_multicast`                         |    74 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_ignoreMac`                         |    71 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings` |    69 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_firmware`                          |    67 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_ext_buttons`                       |    65 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_digium_phones_general`             |    64 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_customExt`                         |    62 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_basestations`                      |    59 |
| `asterisk`.`emergencydevices`                           |    57 |
| `asterisk`.`directory_entries`                          |    56 |
| `asterisk`.`directory_details`                          |    55 |
| `asterisk`.`devices`                                    |    54 |
| `asterisk`.`daynight`                                   |    53 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdichandids`                              |    52 |
| `SYS_TABLES`                                            |     0 |
| `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats`                            |     1 |
| `mysql`.`innodb_index_stats`                            |     2 |
| `mysql`.`gtid_slave_pos`                                |     4 |
| `asterisk`.`admin`                                      |     5 |
| `asterisk`.`ampusers`                                   |     6 |
| `asterisk`.`announcement`                               |     7 |
| `asterisk`.`areminder`                                  |     8 |
| `asterisk`.`areminder_calls`                            |     9 |
| `asterisk`.`areminder_settings`                         |    10 |
| `asterisk`.`areminder_updates`                          |    11 |
| `asterisk`.`arimanager`                                 |    12 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_callees`                          |    13 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_campaign_groups`                  |    14 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_campaigns`                        |    15 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_groups`                           |    16 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_log`                              |    17 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_callback_daemon_log`                 |   305 |
| `asterisk`.`broadcast_settings`                         |    18 |
| `asterisk`.`callaccounting_cdr`                         |    19 |
| `asterisk`.`callaccounting_decks_trunks`                |    20 |
| `asterisk`.`callaccounting_rate_patterns`               |    21 |
| `asterisk`.`callaccounting_ratedeck`                    |    22 |
| `asterisk`.`callback`                                   |    23 |
| `asterisk`.`callerid_entries`                           |    24 |
| `asterisk`.`calllimit`                                  |    25 |
| `asterisk`.`calllimit_usage`                            |    26 |
| `asterisk`.`callrecording`                              |    27 |
| `asterisk`.`callrecording_module`                       |    28 |
| `asterisk`.`certman_certs`                              |    30 |
| `asterisk`.`certman_csrs`                               |    31 |
| `asterisk`.`certman_mapping`                            |    32 |
| `asterisk`.`cidlookup`                                  |    33 |
| `asterisk`.`cidlookup_incoming`                         |    34 |
| `asterisk`.`conferencespro`                             |    35 |
| `asterisk`.`conferencespro_rooms`                       |    36 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_emails`                |    37 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_images`                |    38 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_numbers`               |    39 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_speeddials`            |    40 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_userman_images`        |    41 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_websites`              |    42 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_entry_xmpps`                 |    43 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_general_favorites`           |    44 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_groups`                      |    46 |
| `asterisk`.`contactmanager_user_favorites`              |    47 |
| `asterisk`.`cron_jobs`                                  |    48 |
| `asterisk`.`cronmanager`                                |    49 |
| `asterisk`.`custom_extensions`                          |    50 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi`                                      |    51 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall`           |   114 |
| `asterisk`.`api_applications`                           |   314 |
| `asterisk`.`api_access_tokens`                          |   315 |
| `asterisk`.`api_auth_codes`                             |   316 |
| `asterisk`.`api_refresh_tokens`                         |   317 |
| `asterisk`.`api_asynchronous_transaction_history`       |   318 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Api`                |   319 |
| `asterisk`.`freepbx_settings`                           |    89 |
| `asterisk`.`outroutemsg`                                |   327 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm`         |   328 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomarcrm_salesforce_users`               |   329 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users`                 |   330 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomacrm_rest_webhooks`                   |   331 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomacrm_rest_rows`                       |   332 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations`    |   333 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig`        |   334 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_Dashboard`                          |    99 |
| `asterisk`.`kvblobstore`                                |    98 |
| `asterisk`.`modules`                                    |   136 |
| `asterisk`.`module_xml`                                 |   135 |
| `asterisk`.`iax`                                        |    92 |
| `asterisk`.`pjsip`                                      |   158 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_directories`                        |   202 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect`     |   244 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_unprocessed_uniqueids`               |   310 |
| `asterisk`.`qxact_system_events`                        |   174 |
| `asterisk`.`timeconditions`                             |   192 |
| `asterisk`.`sysadmin_options`                           |   190 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_filestore`                           |   264 |
| `asterisk`.`users`                                      |   210 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa`             |   254 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_auth_via_email`                      |   247 |
| `asterisk`.`restapps_stats`                             |   179 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation`         |   274 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_OOBE`                               |   125 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_users`                              |   208 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_users_settings`                     |   209 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_password_reminder`                  |   205 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_Framework`                  |   281 |
| `asterisk`.`queues_config`                              |   167 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_auth_via_app`                        |   245 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_auth_via_call`                       |   246 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_auth_via_all`                        |   248 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin`           |   122 |
| `asterisk`.`sysadmin_fail2ban`                          |   189 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids`             |    70 |
| `asterisk`.`parkplus_announce`                          |   154 |
| `asterisk`.`ringgroups`                                 |   180 |
| `asterisk`.`vmblast`                                    |   212 |
| `asterisk`.`queueprio`                                  |   166 |
| `asterisk`.`findmefollow`                               |    87 |
| `asterisk`.`miscapps`                                   |   133 |
| `asterisk`.`recordings`                                 |   177 |
| `asterisk`.`setcid`                                     |   181 |
| `asterisk`.`virtual_queue_config`                       |   298 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_queue_config`                        |   299 |
| `asterisk`.`soundlang_customlangs`                      |   184 |
| `asterisk`.`voicemail_admin`                            |   217 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_callback_config`                     |   302 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_qrule_config`                        |   300 |
| `asterisk`.`sip`                                        |   182 |
| `asterisk`.`parkplus_device`                            |   155 |
| `asterisk`.`trunks`                                     |   196 |
| `asterisk`.`globals`                                    |    90 |
| `asterisk`.`trunk_dialpatterns`                         |   195 |
| `asterisk`.`outbound_routes`                            |   143 |
| `asterisk`.`pinsets`                                    |   157 |
| `asterisk`.`pinset_usage`                               |   156 |
| `asterisk`.`soundlang_settings`                         |   187 |
| `asterisk`.`iaxsettings`                                |   280 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_routing`                                |   233 |
| `asterisk`.`tts`                                        |   197 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_Cos`                                |   282 |
| `asterisk`.`language_incoming`                          |   127 |
| `asterisk`.`sipsettings`                                |   183 |
| `asterisk`.`restapps_settings`                          |   178 |
| `asterisk`.`parkplus`                                   |   153 |
| `asterisk`.`paging_config`                              |   145 |
| `asterisk`.`notifications`                              |   138 |
| `asterisk`.`endpoint_global`                            |    68 |
| `asterisk`.`queues_details`                             |   168 |
| `asterisk`.`logfile_logfiles`                           |   129 |
| `asterisk`.`manager`                                    |   131 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps`           |   121 |
| `asterisk`.`restapps_rtapi_conferences`                 |   255 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing`        |   241 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi`       |   260 |
| `asterisk`.`presencestate_list`                         |   159 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomartapi_call_queue_members`            |   259 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_phone_locations`             |   242 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_call_activity_groups`               |   200 |
| `asterisk`.`pagingpro_scheduler_crons`                  |   149 |
| `asterisk`.`pagingpro`                                  |   148 |
| `asterisk`.`meetme`                                     |   132 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_analog_custom`                        |   335 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_advanced_modules`                     |   336 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_modules`                              |   337 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_advanced`                             |   338 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_spans`                                |   339 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_analog`                               |   340 |
| `asterisk`.`dahdi_configured_locations`                 |   341 |
| `asterisk`.`languages`                                  |   128 |
| `asterisk`.`miscdests`                                  |   134 |
| `asterisk`.`paging_autoanswer`                          |   144 |
| `asterisk`.`logfile_settings`                           |   130 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_user_setup`                  |   239 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomartapi_registry`                      |   256 |
| `asterisk`.`vqplus_callback_calls`                      |   303 |
| `asterisk`.`recording_files`                            |   175 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report`   |   120 |
| `asterisk`.`pbxmfa_user_devices`                        |   252 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_user_device`                 |   240 |
| `asterisk`.`sysadmin_expiry_notifications`              |   188 |
| `asterisk`.`kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Orchxtra`           |   342 |
| `asteriskcdrdb`.`cel`                                   |   227 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_groups_settings`                    |   204 |
| `asterisk`.`userman_ucp_templates`                      |   207 |
| `asterisk`.`vmnotify`                                   |   214 |
| `asterisk`.`presencestate_prefs`                        |   160 |
| `asterisk`.`sms_dids`                                   |   232 |
| `asterisk`.`srtapi_chat_users`                          |   271 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomartapi_login_register`                |   257 |
| `asterisk`.`sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations`     |   243 |
| `asterisk`.`cdrpro_processed_uniqueids`                 |   309 |
312 rows in set (0.141 sec)

good stuff !

Agreed. ON became the default in MySQL 5.6.6 and deprecated in MariaDB 11:

“as there’s no benefit to setting to OFF, the original InnoDB default.”