Incorrect Caller ID after forwarding call to Follow Me number

There are lots of places where CID can go wrong, especially if what you’re seeing actually makes sense.

  • The trunk provider can override your Caller ID all day long.
  • The trunk itself, if set up with one, can override the CID of the extensions.
  • The the outbound route for the cell phones is not marked as an “intracompany route” the caller ID will usually get overwritten with information from the route or trunk.
  • There is a module called “Set Caller ID” which I use whenver I want to send a call out with the caller’d CID. To set it up, you set up Miscellaneous Destinations for each of your corporate cell phones, and route the calls for the extension in question to the SCID module assigned to that cell phone. The next destination if the cell phone and the CID will be set correctly (barring the first three problems).