I’m writing a custom AGI that would send call recordings and call information after each call to a webhook. It does work as intended for all outgoing calls. I’m now focusing on inbound.
For outbound, the logic I used (thanks forums) was to Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push) inside [macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook], add MixMonitor() and work from there.
For inbound, all information I found consistently suggests using custom destinations. The way I understood it is:
- Create a custom destination
- Add configuration to custom destination (i.e. CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push) )
- Set incoming route to custom destination
However, this does not seem ideal for me as I’ll need to manage several different queues and it seems to me that I will have to set return to Yes and indicate a queue in custom destination.
Is that piece correct? Because if so, I will need to create so many custom destinations with exactly the same custom configuration just so they can point back at the correct queue (right now I I have queues set directly in each incoming route).
Is there a general configuration file I can edit/set for incoming routes that would be always processed at the end of any incoming calls?