Inbound call - Follow Me - Edit External CID Prefix


The current work flow that we have is this…

Outside person calls our DID, it connects to our PBX IVR

If they press an option, it goes to ring group

Each staff has their own extension, with follow me added to their cell phones. It will ring the RG for two rings then proceed to cell phones at the same time.

I know that I can setup on the follow me the fixed CID items, but I cannot edit to throw a 2-4 digit in front of the CID on the cell phones. (We are USA based only)


John Doe dials 800-555-1212 (John’s CID is 111-555-1212)
IVR picks up, John chooses option 1
IVR routes call to Ring Group 1
Ring Group 1 rings extensions 100 through 105
If physical phones do not answer within two rings, follow-me is engaged. Which then rings to cell phones. Whom they will have to confirm the call by pressing 1 or 2 to drop to answer.the cell phone. No problem. Cell phones read John’s CID as 111-555-1212.

What I would like to have happen is this:
John Doe dials 800-555-1212 (John’s CID is 111-555-1212)
IVR Picks up, John choose option 1
IVR routes to Ring Group 1
Ring Group 1 rings extensions 100 through 105
If physical phones do not answer within two rings, follow-me is engaged. Which then rings to cell phones. Whom they will have to confirm the call by pressing 1 or 2 to drop to answer.
CID is passed with 9113-111-555-1212 or 911-111-555-1212 (Basically a Prefix+CID)

I know the current setup in the GUI is that Fixed CID Value is working as expected, however it will not produce the ability that I would want. Here is what I do not understand, people say you cannot do that, or it will not work on cell phones, it is based on the CNAM, blah blah blah…

but I know for a fact, if I take an extension, and change the outbound CID, it will display whatever I put in there per the extension. So, if I want to put in some random number, the CID on the cell phone or other phone answering will display whatever number that I type in there. So in my head, I am thinking well if the extension allows for outbound CID to be , in a sense spoofed, then why cant I add a prefix to the follow me to perform the same.

Before people say, why dont you just add it on the extension and forward it to your cell phone. That will not work as we have hundreds of numbers calling us and we would have to change it manually every time.

Is this possible? How do others do it? I want to have follow me turned on so if we miss our desk phones, our cell phones ring, but at the same time I want to make sure the people on the other end are not calling my cell phone directly.

Meaning, if a person is calling me directly, I have the ability to say, decline go to voicemail on my cell because it will show their actual DID, where as if they call our main line , I will know by looking at the prefix in front of it and can answer then make the decision to answer or drop the call at that point.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Thanks everyone!

In each ring group there is an option to alter the cid, put there your prefix and try again.

The Alter the CID function is for internal only, it does not follow to outbound receiving devices. Such as cell phones.

Also, the external CID configuration does not do anything that the follow me external CID configuration does. It is literally the same functionality, from my point of view.

I basically want the outbound CID on the follow me to have prefix added to the CID that routes through.

Sure, I could if someone was calling internally, but follow me does not operate the same as an extension, in terms of CID.


this is wrong because I had it working a while back (April 2019)
I would get calls on my cell “scam likely” but they were my calls being forwarded to me with my fixed CID code (004) I plaed my ring tone on that specific code and I was good . however I will say It is not working now for some reason. dont know if it was an update or i screwed something up somewhere. plus I was told by my trunk provider that it should work and that they use this same feature in the way I am trying to.

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