Inband 180 option not sent on inbound calls

Freepbx, is there an option to change this behavior .,.

on the GUI
Connectivity/TRunks/Pjsip settings/ advance

inband progress YES

Try setting Signal Ringing in your Inbound Route.

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To get 180 I did:
Connectivity - Trunks - Edit Trunk - PJSIP Settings - Advanced - Inband Progress NO
Connectivity - Inbound Routes - Edit Route - Signal RINGING YES

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will try those options…
found sip.conf options as well

;prematuremedia=no ; Some ISDN links send empty media frames before
; the call is in ringing or progress state. The SIP
; channel will then send 183 indicating early media
; which will be empty - thus users get no ring signal.
; Setting this to “yes” will stop any media before we have
; call progress (meaning the SIP channel will not send 183 Session
; Progress for early media). Default is “yes”. Also make sure that
; the SIP peer is configured with progressinband=never.
; In order for “noanswer” applications to work, you need to run
; the progress() application in the priority before the app.

;progressinband=never ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
; use ‘never’ to never use in-band signalling, even in cases
; where some buggy devices might not render it
; Valid values: yes, no, never Default: never

These options work for SIP, but not for PJSIP. In PJSIP you need to write inband_progress=never. And “prematuremedia” is not in it at all.

excellent , thanks a lot for this clarification… it seem the issue as per VI.
: They confirmed it is not their network that is sending the CANCEL on these calls, it is the originating carrier who is sending it their downstream, then to our upstream, and they are sending it to our network. This is not an issue with our upstream network but, the originating carrier’s network.

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