IM (Instant messaging) and SMS

Good morning.

I tell you, some time ago I wanted to implement IM (Instant messaging) in a FreePBX, so that one extension can send messages to another without the need for an XXMP server, but I have looked for modules in other threads and I have not found any feasible answer, I tried updating to FreePBX 17, but it’s not polished either. How could I solve this problem, can you think of anything?

I want two softphones to be able to communicate from the messaging service that they have included as MicroSIP. (Just like it works in Grandstream)

The answer here is what do the (soft) phones support. Do they have an API etc. Everything is going to be app or device specific. XMPP is sort of the easy route most of the time. Otherwise you will need something that manages things. Something custom, rocketchat, matrix, mattermost. You need something to manage it all.

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