I’m setting up a IAX trunk between 2 freepbx servers. I’m just starting out on this so I’m setting up extension to extension calling between the two locations first and will move to allowing calling out SIP trunking providers from either location, routing incoming calls across both PBX’s, and so on afterwards. I’m trying to determine what is the best/safest setting for the IAX trunk PEER and USER details. And if there is just a better way to do this.
In particular I’m interested if my type and context settings are ideal. I get a bit lost with the “from-internal”, “front-trunk” stuff. Also curious if using type=friend vs type=peer and user makes a difference. Could the use of a register string make it safer (if so, how might I do that)?
So I’m using a Peer & User configuration. I know I will change User details context=from-internal if I want to make outbound calls through the other PBX SIP trunks.
I’ve read that you can also setup the Peer Details with a type=friend and a shared username/password. And you delete the User Details. Is there any advantage/disadvantage between these two methods (User&Peer vs Friend)?