I am trying to have a particular conference recorded but the file name should always be saved to a set file name, that way it can be accessed via an IVR

I am trying to have a particular conference recorded but the file name should always be saved to a set file name, that way it can be accessed via an IVR. How would I code that?

Thank you

You could code it in any language you would like since you’re working with Linux. The recordings are typically stored in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor

FreePBX allows you to trigger post recording scripts: Setting up FreePBX post recording script | Call Recording (callcabinet.com)

As for how, there are many different ways to do it. I would recommend creating a post recording script that the moves the recorded calls to a unique location and suffixes calls with the next available index number. Like:

  • Move recorded file to /location
  • Rename file based on the previous newest file +1
  • Done!

Then you would make a custom dial plan for the IVR:

  • Use playback or controlplayback command to start playing the lowest Filename-X, then you can loop it to add +1 to the playback to get to the next highest, and so forth and so forth.

Asterisk cmd Playback - VoIP-Info
Asterisk cmd ControlPlayback - VoIP-Info

The forum is great to help answer questions you have as you build. Let us know how it goes!

If the filename should ‘always be the same’ then the post recording script might better be ln -f ^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} /full/pathname/filename , /full/pathname/ must have write permission fot the asterisk user

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