Https / Certifacate managent / Hot desking app

Hello Guys ,

I am trying to provisioning an Sangoma P320 via https so i can generate credentials for agent and use hotdeskting -
But i am failed in the Lets Encryps feature , cannot generante new certificate …I have trough a lot on this config , like fqdn … a valid dns so that can resolve my pbx hostame and ect… ect…
My question is : for such config , i mean the Lets Encrypt feature to configure https .
Do i need a public ip address ?
Please let me know on that , give me a clue on this or something that can point on good direction so can continue with my server configuration .
Look forward to your reply.

Thanks !

You need a publicly accessible static IP (or a DynDNS supported connection). The world needs to be able to connect to your external IP address on port 80 for the Let’s Encrypt service to be able to verify your request.

So for this it s a bigger plan i assume . But about provisioning via http , is there a way to custom a login id for each user agent ?

Thanks !

I am not sure if I am understanding the question fully but if I am then the answer is no, the user name and password is used globally for all phones that you are trying to provision through FreePBX.

Sorry for not being clear ,
here is the point - i have sangoma p320 phones. For Endpoint Manager-provisioned phones, the default password is ‘222222.’ But i do need to set a unique id for each user / agent that will need to log into those phones.
And it seems i need to get Lets Encryp configured for that purpose . and as your replied, i will need a public ip , is that publi ip need to be permanent ?

Thanks !

That default password is for phone administration in the phone GUI and has nothing to do with individual users logging into the.

Those get setup and get tied to each extension under the User Manager.

To have a valid certificate that’s issued by Let’s Encrypt you need a static IP with proper DNS settings for periodic SSL certificate verification and renewals.

Is that define the Hot deskign feature ?

More correctly

To have a valid certificate that’s issued by Let’s Encrypt using the HTTP-01 protocol you need a static IP with proper DNS settings for periodic SSL certificate verification and renewals.

This does not apply when using DNS-01.
(unfortunately the bundled FreePBX distro acme client can’t do that :wink: )

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