HTTP provisioning


Just FYI in advance I am posting a couple threads for a couple issues so as to keep each thread topic unique.

I am trying to enable http provisioning for Commercial EPM, the info I have found states that I need to configure apache virtual host to map from either another port or another domain to /tftpboot.

So, I want into httpd.conf tried both the port and domain options.
For port I added:
Listen 4000

<VirtualHost *:4000>
DocumentRoot /tftpboot
ServerName (i have tried the following: PBX internal IP, External IP, domain name, all produce the same result - which is a basic apache page)

for the domain:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /tftpboot

Any help to figure out what I am doing wrong would be awesome. - Thanks

I have not used the commercial epm but assume works similar to the oss epm. if that is the case, all you need to do is go through the web ui, configure the ip address in the epm advanced settings… then on your dhcp server set option 066 (boot server host name) to the ip address of the pbx.