Ht813 ptsn trunks


I have 2x pots lines and two Ht813’s I need to used as in/out trunks. I have doen this with tghe HT805’s in the past but generally havibng issues with the Ht813’s Questions:

  1. Do the Ht813’s work with pjsip ?
  2. If I decide to use the FXS port ca nthis be jpsip as well ?

I am looking at using the primary HT813 witht he main number to route in&out.

Line two would use CID of line two and also be outbound if first to conjected.

Any thoughts would be helpfull :slight_smile:

I currently am using HT813’s. I have only used 1 at a time, but it works well for me. I have used this guide and it helped a lot.

Hope this helps.


Edit: to clarify, I use PJSIP and the FXS port functions as an Extension, if you’ve ever setup a different Grandstream ATA such as the HT802 the configuration for the FXS port is the same.

Ok lets say:

My Freepbx server Ip is?

HT813 #1 / pjsip

P# 2222222222

HT813 #2 / pjsip
P# 3333333333

I am curious as far as the trunks how they know where to send the outbound calles if all ip’s are pointing back to the PBX server? According to the config on the link you sent. I am gettin close but need a bit more clarity.

What i get there is no Auth from PBX to ATA’s and the ata know where to forward the inbound call to the PBX and then to inbound route. But as far as I read in that link the trunks point to the PBX and would not route to the ATA’s. Am I wronge?

I don’t understand what you mean in the end portion here. I believe the best way to do this would be to create 2 individual trunks. Within the “Outbound Route” you can set the order you would like the trunks to be used. For example you would like trunk with #222-222-2222 to be the primary with the other one being the fall back. Alternatively by using Dial Patterns, you can set it up such that based on the dialed call the trunk is chosen.

Dialing any number with an area code of 222 uses the trunk with # 222-222-2222 while any number with an area code of 333 dials 333-333-3333.

The Call Flow for this Setup:
Call is Placed → Handled by FreePBX → Trunk is Chosen Based on Order or Dial Pattern → HT813 FXO

For dealing with the ATA’s it is simple. You register the FXS as a client, just like any SIP phone, under the inbound route you can set the destination as an extension or anything else. You would set the inbound route to point to the extension. I would also set separate DID’s (in the guide wherever you see 5000, I would set one of them as 5001 or something to make sure you can in fact separate the different inbound trunks).

The call flow is as such for this setup:
Call comes in on HT813 → Handled by FreePBX → Sent to Extension (HT813 FXS)