How to report or correct documentation errors?

How does one submit problem reports about the documentation? I just looked at and all the parameters that people typically set wrongly are wrongly, misleadingly, or incompletely described. It looks to me that this is documenting the common misunderstanding rather that what the settings really do, also it encourages the bad practice of using “yes”, when there are multiple sub-options, rather than thinking about what is actually needed.

Whilst there is a button for submitting a comment, I’m told I’m not authorised to do so.

A quick scan of github, for FreePBX didn’t yield a sub-project for documentation, although there are so many sub-projects I may have missed it.

The commonly misunderstood ones include: nat, insecure, username and type.

Hi @david55 I would suggest raise Github issue with the documentation concern so we can take it up from there. thanks

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Agreed with @kgupta on GitHub issue as good place to post more formal suggestions for improvements to the documentation – working on a better template there for submitting these types of issues…

That said, there are more improvements coming generally to the documentation, including additional version labeling and restructuring to help clarify applicability.

On the old (self hosted) atlassian, contributors had their accounts approved to maintain documentation.