How to extract Update Notification Email Address from CLI

Does anyone know how/where I can extract the following value from the command line (for use in a script) ?

I’ve looked in various DB Tables & CONF files but not yet been able to find where this value is stored. A pointer to it would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

fwconsole updatemanager -l

or more concisely

fwconsole updatemanager notification_emails

Thank you :+1:

I’ve used that as follows to get the precise value;

fwconsole updatemanager -l | grep -iw 'notification_emails' | cut -d '|' -f3 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'


fwconsole updatemanager notification_emails | cut -d '"' -f4

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